Our Manifesto
"Art cannot be done as before."
Every new artistic direction, trend, association asserts itself in conflict with the past. In search of a new artistic language, he renounces former forms that have lost their former power to create meanings.

"Let's throw Pushkin off the steamship of modernity."
"Let's throw those who threw Pushkin off the steamship of modernity."

Now we are on the steamer of modernity, and it's time to answer who we are and where we are going.
And what kind of steamer is this?
Looking around us and realizing that we are another generation that has been fated to live in the midst of a new humanistic catastrophe, monstrous wars, meaning—spending, we want to answer the question "what", taking the question "how" into the background.

Answering the question "what", we are looking for a way to get into direct speech in the midst of horror, capable of turning anyone into complete silence, into impotent doubt: "is it time to do art at all now?" We want to answer the question "what" by the very attempt to speak, and to speak in such a way as to feel the ground under our feet again in a changing world, to regain meaning where it begins to slip away or slyly double.
The north is the north.
The south is the south.
This is where good ends and evil begins.
This is where peace ends and war begins.
I know that for sure.
I can speak.
We are an association of artists, directors, playwrights, artists working in different forms and genres.

Our first joint work is a play based on the novel by E. Remarque "The Arc de Triomphe". The author who wrote one of the main anti-war books of the 20th century, "On the Western front without Change", a book that, as it seemed, would turn the ideas of war and become the strongest vaccine against violence.
After only 10 years, the world found itself on the threshold of a new world war.
In one interview, Remarque was asked if the work done seemed meaningless to him, and the call was unheard? Did he want to stop writing?
He replied,
"No, never. I know that the warnings were not heard — and we saw a new war. But that's just one more reason to keep believing. Otherwise, what will remain if we stop believing in our chance to become better?".

The Arc de Triomphe is a novel about a world on the verge of a new universal catastrophe. And about the will to continue living and believing.
That's where we start.